433: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD: This Was From 11/15 - The Day Our Flag Was Officially Turned Upside Down - Our Country Is In Distress - MICHELE SWINICK & JOE MOBLEY
443 JESUS ROCKS: Review 2022 - Connecting Current Events & REAL History With The Truth Of God! The World Will Make SO Much More Sense Now! | LUCY DIGRAZIA - Episode #21
Dr Roberts w/Korsgaard: What was Not said During The "Debates" was Deadly Important! If the people do not support President Trump, never again will a candidate of either party dare speak for the people.
434: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/9 - The Day After The Masacre Of YOUR Sacred Right To VOTE For YOUR Representatives! MICHELE SWINICK & BRANNON HOWSE