Banking Crisis | Did Joe Biden Just Nationalize the Banking Industry? Did Obama Nationalize Medicine? Did March Towards Marxism and Digital Dictatorship Just Become a SPRINT!!! With Special Guests Mel K and Doctor Jim Meehan
Errol Musk | "We Learned Obama Is a Queer Married to Man Who Dresses As a Woman." + Errol Musk Is the Father of Elon Musk. Errol Had Two Children with His Stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, Despite a 42-year Age Difference.
General Flynn & Dave Scarlett | 9 URGENT Updates Including: "In the Oval Office, Jan. 5th 2017, A Meeting Run By Obama Was Day Democracy Died." + "282 US Banks At Risk Of Failing." - CNBC + Bird Flu Emergency On the Way?