ICE Rounds Up Gang Members, Child Predators, Suspected Terrorist as Deportation Operation Begins/Trump is removing food stamps?state of Georgia Halts Poultry Sales/
Appeals Court Trashes SEC’s Demands for Board Diversity/DC Food Workers Vow to Commit Economic Suicide by Making the Restaurant Experiences of Incoming Trump Officials Miserable/USAF Documents Expose Purge of ‘Straight White Male Population’ In Offi
Jennifer Rubin and Norm Eisen Painfully Describe Their New Media Venture/MEMBERS OF FOREIGN MILITARY COMING INTO THE UNITED STATES/House Passes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes (Bio Males) From Competing in Girl’s Sports at Schools That Receive Federal
Klaus Schwab Says ‘Era of Shock Events’ Is Coming Ahead of 2024 ElectionMysterious Object Is Moving 1 Million Miles Per Hour Through Space Says NASA/Phil Donahue Pedophile Ring/Sale of church to Muslims no big deal – US Catholics //Scotland suspends