3 months agoThere is a Process that the LORD does in your life, and then a purifying one when JESUS Returns!drock5690
3 months agoThere is a Joy when the incarnate word is made manifest among believers in Unity!drock5690
3 months agoAllow the LORD to Transform you, as HE Prepares YOU before releasing the MIRACLE in Your Life!drock5690
5 days agoObedience to God's word will bring an increase in your finances, and a blessing in your life!drock5690
5 days agoFollow the pathway of God's justice, and not the crowd, which leads to the pathway to Destruction!drock5690
7 days agoDid you know the world's wealth is in Jerusalem and can be released through the Earth in any moment?drock5690
8 days agoYou can enter the Glory of the Lord through praise and thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus!drock5690
11 days agoThere is no attack that will ever prevail against God's people without God's intervention!drock5690
9 months agoCute Wallabies Love Time Wildlife Cute Australian Animals Video AustraliaWestern Australia
9 days agoThe Glory of the Lord will carry you through with the words that he has spoken over your life!drock5690
7 days agoThe Lord will be your vindicator, and make right what others did wrong, if you let him avenge you!drock5690
15 days agoGod's people have their ALL to God, and there was a BLESSING to the entire nation of God's People!drock5690
3 days agoYou are seated on the throne with the Lord Jesus by his grace alone, and favor on your life!drock5690
15 days agoThe Lord is your supply, and you don't have to put your trust in anybody, but him!drock5690
12 days agoThe Lord's plan is a process of continual growth and development, as he fulfills the promise in you!drock5690
8 days agoA relationship with the Lord Jesus doesn't replace the words and commands that he's given us!drock5690
7 days agoIs it impossible to keep the Lord's words and commands without a relationship with the Lord Jesus!drock5690