1. My first QANDA VIDEO!!!!

    My first QANDA VIDEO!!!!

  2. Prevention Myths Book: CT Angiogram, Lots of Potential, Needs to be Standardized (LIVE)

    Prevention Myths Book: CT Angiogram, Lots of Potential, Needs to be Standardized (LIVE)

  3. Interview with patient Mark Miller + “Inflammation clock” can reveal body´s biological age

    Interview with patient Mark Miller + “Inflammation clock” can reveal body´s biological age

  4. James West Interviewing LaTanja Batain NP about Medicare Advantage in Mobile, Alabama

    James West Interviewing LaTanja Batain NP about Medicare Advantage in Mobile, Alabama

  5. Hidden Atrial Fibrillation - & Questions/Answers about the Alabama project (LIVE)

    Hidden Atrial Fibrillation - & Questions/Answers about the Alabama project (LIVE)

  6. Cliff Notes Podcast- Episode #14- Davis vs Garcia / Live Q&A/ Open Discussion

    Cliff Notes Podcast- Episode #14- Davis vs Garcia / Live Q&A/ Open Discussion

  7. anq qanda eHh😍 anq kyuttt nunq action at music 🥰

    anq qanda eHh😍 anq kyuttt nunq action at music 🥰

  8. FRIDAY NIGHT Q & A - Everyone gets 1 Free Pendulum yes/no answer, Q & A is done by Donations!

    FRIDAY NIGHT Q & A - Everyone gets 1 Free Pendulum yes/no answer, Q & A is done by Donations!

  9. The Power of Hahahel - Comment below for Protection

    The Power of Hahahel - Comment below for Protection
