1. Is Air An Addictive Drug? Without It We Literally Die! The Kicked Peanut 5/14/23

    Is Air An Addictive Drug? Without It We Literally Die! The Kicked Peanut 5/14/23

  2. Epic Music for me

    Epic Music for me

  3. Hypocrisy, The Pyramids of Life and How Do We Deal - TKP 5/28/23

    Hypocrisy, The Pyramids of Life and How Do We Deal - TKP 5/28/23

  4. Ragnarök Drums: Epic Viking Trance Music Video

    Ragnarök Drums: Epic Viking Trance Music Video

  5. 365lbs x 2 Raw Bench, quick and easy, Crazy 🤪 old man

    365lbs x 2 Raw Bench, quick and easy, Crazy 🤪 old man

  6. Lofi Pallet Build: Nightstand Pt 1

    Lofi Pallet Build: Nightstand Pt 1

  7. Captain Kidd's Bifocals Ambushed Bonnie and Clyde! TDH 5/23/23

    Captain Kidd's Bifocals Ambushed Bonnie and Clyde! TDH 5/23/23

  8. Track and field 135 feet !!!! Best Discus Throw This Month, Senior Olympics in September

    Track and field 135 feet !!!! Best Discus Throw This Month, Senior Olympics in September

  9. Training for the senior Olympics, 315lbs x 7 reps Bench

    Training for the senior Olympics, 315lbs x 7 reps Bench

  10. Discus Throw practice for Senior Olympics, lookout camera 📷

    Discus Throw practice for Senior Olympics, lookout camera 📷

  11. Getting ready for the senior Olympics, Raw Bench 365lbs x 2

    Getting ready for the senior Olympics, Raw Bench 365lbs x 2

  12. Getting ready for Senior Olympics, Raw Bench 385lbs

    Getting ready for Senior Olympics, Raw Bench 385lbs

  13. Discus Throw practice for Senior Olympics, Good 1st Throw, 120 feet

    Discus Throw practice for Senior Olympics, Good 1st Throw, 120 feet

  14. Discus Throw practice, A very good day, 61 years old

    Discus Throw practice, A very good day, 61 years old
