ROR#199 The Keys of Solomon, Dark Magick + The Jesus Strand, The History of Mary Magdalene, She Called Jesus "My Teacher" When She Found Him Alive + Bible Stories and Codes
Right On Radio Episode #98 - Noah, The Spiritual Gates Used to Hold the Water that Caused the Flood + Rainbows and Layered Fire + The Earth Won't Be Destroyed By Water (Next Time) But By Fire
DNI Ratcliffe's Letter, Hillary Clinton Approved Campaign Plan to Stir Up a Scandal Against Trump (Russia Russia Russia Hoax), HRC's Signature was Required, Implicates Brennan, Obama, Comey, Strzok, Bi-dan + The Swift Boat Project, Good Dog Show
Great Lakes, Underground Railroad and Tunnels + Hunter Biden has a Back Tattoo of Finger Lakes + He's a Hierarchy Kid, Rebellion isn't Unusual, Commit First Predatory Act @ 12, Evidence on Laptop That it Continued, Including with Obama Girls
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