2 years agoTwins, Pirates and the Chosen Descendants of a Righteous Man, Shabat Study July 7, 2022Hebrew Codesearching
2 years agoTame Herd of Highland Cattle Marches Into the StableSimeon & Alex - formerly Swedish Homestead
2 years agoDay 6 Meditation, Days of Awe, 2022: Living in Joy are the Merciful (Forgiveness)Hebrew Codesearching
2 years agoBible Code Reveals the Pure Lip, and a Search for Eric Bissell, our Paleo Hebrew TeacherHebrew Codesearching
2 years agoWe Invite You to Fellowship With Us for Yom Teruah, The Day of Shouting/Blowing the ShofarsHebrew Codesearching
2 years agoDay 3 Meditation, Days of Awe, 2022: Blow the Shofar, and Remember the Relationship, RepentanceHebrew Codesearching
3 months agoDairy Farmer Explains The Carbon Cycle: Cows Are Not The Problem. Politicians Are!Not MSM