Dinesh D'Souza | D'Souza On the New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency | "Alot of Countries Think It Is Safer to Do Business w/ China & Russia Than to Rely On the U.S. Dollar. Times Like These Are When Concerned Savers Like Me Turn to Gold.&quo
De-Dollarization | Are 41 Countries Looking to Joining BRICS? 85% of The Global Population to Dump the U.S. Dollar | "All of the New Things Are Being Put In Place to Be Free from the Western Hegemony." - Andy Schectman
BRICS | "The Central Banks Last Year Purchased 25% of All of the Gold Mined Last Year. 12,50 Metric Tons of Gold, Central Banks Purchased Last Year." - Kevin Demeritt (Founder of Lear Capital - August 9th 2023)
De-Dollarization | Do Syria, Egypt & France Intend On Joining BRICS? "The Common Currency Will Be the Last Nail In the Coffin Of the American Empire. The People In Charge of the U.S. Are Not These Politicians We See On TV Channels." (6/17/20
Central Bank Digital Currencies Digital Currencies | "The BRICS Nations Are Working Overtime to Create a Brand New Currency of Their Own That Will Be Pegged to Physical Assets Such As GOLD." - EPOCH TIMES (April 6th 2023)
Israel | "A.I. Can Even Write a NEW BIBLE" - Yuval Noah Harari | What 6 Events Does the Bible Say Are to Happen? Gibson, Caviezel & Ballard to Expose the $34 Billion Sex-Trafficking Industry + BRICs Look to Dedollarize + Special Guest Dave S
Dollar Collapse | "THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST SHOCK IN THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM SINCE 1971!...August 22nd 2023" - Jim Rickards + "BRICS to Introduce a New GOLD-Backed Currency In Contrast to the Credit-Backed U.S. Dollar." (7/3/
De-Dollarization | "Now the Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Status Gradually & Then Suddenly. This Could Work Out Pretty Good for BRICS Members Like Russia & China Who Are the Two Largest Gold Producers In The World. Canada Has Zero Gold"