Petrodollar | How the Petrodollar Began & Ended + Discover How the Petrodollar Was Created By President Nixon & Kissinger + How It Ended By BRICS As the Chinese Digital Yuan Was Used for the First Time to Settle a Crude Oil Transaction
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Don't Need Millions of Human Agents. You Have the Smartphones, Cameras & the Microphones Following Us All the Time. It's Now Possible to Annihilate Privacy & to Create Total Surveillance Regimes."
GOLD | "Gold Prices Hit All-Time High At $2,149 / Oz, Prices Surge $75." - CNBC (December 4th 2023) + "The Most Sophisticated And Well Informed Continue to Buy Gold At a Pace That the World Has Never Seen. They No What's Coming."
Yuval Noah Harari | "This Is the First Time That We Are About to Enter a Non-Human Culture. Stop & Think About the Meaning of Living In Non-Human Culture? It's Really Alien Culture Here On Earth." - 10/28/2024
Trump | "I'm OK With It (Jail Time). You Don't Beg for Anything. It's Just the Way It Is." - The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump (June 2nd 2024) + Trump Reacts to Being Found Guilty On All 34 Counts