1. You have to practice doing the things of the LORD, and CONTINUALLY giving him Praise to have Peace!

    You have to practice doing the things of the LORD, and CONTINUALLY giving him Praise to have Peace!

  2. Your dependence isn't upon man, but can be satisfied completely in the LORD Jesus!

    Your dependence isn't upon man, but can be satisfied completely in the LORD Jesus!

  3. The Lord Of The Rings - The Return of the King (part 1) | BBC RADIO DRAMA

    The Lord Of The Rings - The Return of the King (part 1) | BBC RADIO DRAMA

  4. Advent And The Coming Of The Lord Jesus Christ | St Bernard of Clairvaux

    Advent And The Coming Of The Lord Jesus Christ | St Bernard of Clairvaux

  5. The LORD is pleased when YOU walk by faith in his power, ability, and in his goodness towards You!

    The LORD is pleased when YOU walk by faith in his power, ability, and in his goodness towards You!

  6. You don't have to have the perfect conditions for the LORD to send the right people to help YOU!

    You don't have to have the perfect conditions for the LORD to send the right people to help YOU!

  7. The Lord's Strength is powerful in of You, because in your weakness he is made stronger through You!

    The Lord's Strength is powerful in of You, because in your weakness he is made stronger through You!

  8. Pump the WORD of the LORD through YOU, and allow it to transform your life!

    Pump the WORD of the LORD through YOU, and allow it to transform your life!

  9. The LORD's Grace is abundantly supplied to YOU, regardless of the situation!

    The LORD's Grace is abundantly supplied to YOU, regardless of the situation!

  10. The LORD will not only provide for YOU, but he will multiply your seed to plant for future harvests!

    The LORD will not only provide for YOU, but he will multiply your seed to plant for future harvests!

  11. You can focus on the Bible, and on the LORD Jesus, regardless of the onslaught of the enemy!

    You can focus on the Bible, and on the LORD Jesus, regardless of the onslaught of the enemy!

  12. The devil wants to discourage YOU, but the LORD renews You day by day!

    The devil wants to discourage YOU, but the LORD renews You day by day!

  13. You have an inheritance, a destiny given to you by God that can only be found in the Lord Jesus!

    You have an inheritance, a destiny given to you by God that can only be found in the Lord Jesus!

  14. The reason why the Lord Jesus didn’t know the time of His return

    The reason why the Lord Jesus didn’t know the time of His return

  15. Preparing For The Lord's Return

    Preparing For The Lord's Return
