2 months agoTWO MOONS 🕉 Waters of Posidonia and the New Vortex of the Mother 🕉 Mahabharata! Arjuna and Krishnawhitegoldeagle
2 years agoDM to DF LOVE Message ***Secrets come into the light, so a wish of love can manifest***Cosmic_Oracles_Tarot
2 years agoFEBRUARY 2022 Collective Energies ***SETTING BOUNDARIES AND ADAPTING***Cosmic_Oracles_Tarot
2 years agoAwakening to Who We Truly Are [Remembering our Divinity and Reclaiming Our Legacy of Light]Elevating Humanity to Higher Consciousness
1 year agoLiberation of Souls ~ Star Avatar "At The Event" ⚜ Golden Mother Dragon Medicine ⚜ Bealtaine Prayerwhitegoldeagle