14 US Ships in Middle East, Iran Backs Down, Mockery of Trump Fulfills Daniel 11:21 Confirming Trump Is the Son of Perdition, CERN & I Pet Goat 2, Don Jr. Calls for Elon Musk, Earthquake Rattles L.A., The 3rd Temple, Isaiah 50:10-11
Secret Service Agent Who Can't Even Holster Her Gun, Zechariah 11:17, Amber Rose At RNC Celebrating Sodomy As "Love", My Subscriber Who Is A Hollywood Film Maker Says It Was All Staged, Trump Worship Reaches Epic Levels
Sabbath Bible Study: Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of The Covenant, 7 Year Tribulation, 7th Trumpet Rapture, 144,000 & The Two Witnesses, Donald Trump, Promise of Philadelphia
Iran Prepares To Attack Israel In 72 Hours, Hitler's First Speech Sounds Eerily Familiar, The 10 Horns of Daniel/Revelation Found in 10 Regions of UN Summit, Tragedy In Idaho Proves Unborn Babies Are Not Safe In The USA
Western Washington University: Breakthrough In Bellingham, Much More Civil Crowds Than A Year Ago, Great Questions, Dealing w/ Catholics, Hypocrites, Homosexuals, Atheists, Agnostics
Univ of Oregon: Curious Student Asks Lots of Questions, Female Student Under Conviction, Young Christian Woman Helps Me Minister, Super-Intellectual Student Hits Stumbling Block, Rosemary Joins Me Toward The End, Great Day of Preaching Jesus!