7 months agoSCAREY! Chicago has become a War zone thanks to far-left, Radical Democrat ProtestorsDeep State Crime Scene
2 years agoUFOs Sighting 🛸 Cigar Shape being seen above NUCLEAR ☢️ Installations - Disclosurewhitegoldeagle
4 years ago‘I’ve seen 29!': Discover Colorado’s UFO hotspot with more sightings per capita than any place in the worldKMGHVerified
2 months agoDrones, and Orbs - Unveiling Supernatural Mysteries with Sylvia McKelveyBible Mysteries Podcast
7 months agoStar Wars Actor Mark Hamill has a fearful message for his Brainwashed followersPal Bulletin
10 months agoPennsylvania has investigated more than a dozen UFO incidents in the past decade, records showB.C. Begley
2 years agoBlack-eyed children or black-eyed kids are an American contemporary legend of paranormalThe Audible Wiki Factory
11 months agoWATCHMAN ALERT!! Fireball Lights UP New Jersey Sky Days After April 8 Eclipse and 4.8 Earthquakewallytronchannel101
1 year agoTHEY HAVE ARRIVED! 🛸 A Fleet of Ships Los Angeles California April 1, 2023 UFO Sighting Paranormalwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoAnother Cigar Shaped UFO Sighting 🛸 World Report the same Cylindrical Object seen all over the Earthwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoNothing to see here 👀 Just Another Normal Cloud in the Matrix ⛅ De Cloaking Coming Soon...whitegoldeagle