1. Father-son team defies odds and completes IRONMAN triathlon

    Father-son team defies odds and completes IRONMAN triathlon

  2. 40 Luckiest People Caught On Camera!

    40 Luckiest People Caught On Camera!

  3. Minority-owned farm that started up during the pandemic is hoping to defy the odds

    Minority-owned farm that started up during the pandemic is hoping to defy the odds

  4. Person of the Week: Triathlete injured in accident defies odds, motivates others

    Person of the Week: Triathlete injured in accident defies odds, motivates others

  5. Akron's Nate Forrestel defying the odds on the golf course

    Akron's Nate Forrestel defying the odds on the golf course

  6. Anti-gerrymandering group defies odds with 2018 ballot drive

    Anti-gerrymandering group defies odds with 2018 ballot drive

  7. Community rallies behind 18-year-old who defied odds, hopes to get her a car

    Community rallies behind 18-year-old who defied odds, hopes to get her a car

  8. Young woman survives near deadly crash and defies the odds

    Young woman survives near deadly crash and defies the odds

  9. Family defy odds and have two sets of triplets

    Family defy odds and have two sets of triplets

  10. 13-year-old defies odds at National Spelling Bee

    13-year-old defies odds at National Spelling Bee

  11. Defying the odds of time and space

    Defying the odds of time and space

  12. Defying the odds of time and space

    Defying the odds of time and space

  13. That Time John Cena Defied All Odds... WWE #viral #johncena #royalrumble

    That Time John Cena Defied All Odds... WWE #viral #johncena #royalrumble

  14. Ep 444: Why You Don’t Need a Diagnosis to Achieve Optimal Wellness – with Dr. Shiroko Sokitch

    Ep 444: Why You Don’t Need a Diagnosis to Achieve Optimal Wellness – with Dr. Shiroko Sokitch
