13 days ago@Synaptic Warns That David Weiss's Flat-Earth App Is Riddled With Security Holes - DO NOT USE!Liberty TV
4 months agoSTOP THE SPINNING-GLOBE-EARTH LIE! We the People Have Empirical Evidence of the TRUE Flat-Earth Map!Liberty TV
3 months ago"Vaccination" Is Not Possible ! There Are No Safe "Vaccines" ! Ban All Types of "Vaccines" !Liberty TV
2 months agoAir Traffic on the True Flat-Earth Map Mirrored on the "No Moon Landing Is Possible" Plasma MoonLiberty TV
1 month agoTIME IS RUNNING OUT! Tell the Whole World that the Moon Is a Flat-Earth Map BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!Liberty TV
1 month agoDownload the Docu. & Evidential Videos on the Moon Being a Flat-Earth Map for Safekeeping & Sharing!Liberty TV
1 month agoSUSPECTED CONTROLLED OPPOSITION: Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante), Max Igan and AnarchapulcoLiberty TV
17 days agoLike the Moon That Mirrors Earth, the "Planets" Venus and Mercury Mirror the Flat Planes Below ThemLiberty TV
16 days agoAre They Hiding Electromagnetic Plasma Changeover (EMPCO) & Sudden Rapid Pole Shift (SURPS) Events?Liberty TV
14 days agoThe GREATEST DISCOVERY in the Flat-Earth Community: The Moon Is Plasma and a Larger Flat-Earth Map!Liberty TV
23 days agoFlat-Earthers Are Waking Up to David Weiss's Suppression of the Plasma-Moon TRUE Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
2 months agoThey Fear This Truth Getting Out! The Survival of Unmodified Humans Depends on It! Spread Like Fire!Liberty TV
1 month agoThe Controllers Are Running the DIVERGENT Experiment to Identify the Saviors of Humanity (Theory)Liberty TV
22 days agoThe Future of AI Human Hacking & Gene Editing | Yuval Harari & Klaus Schwab | See Desc. How to StopLiberty TV
2 months agoMORE EVIDENCE of Eric Dubay Being a Suspected Jesuit Coadjutor! BEWARE of NWO, AE-Map Gatekeepers!Liberty TV
1 month agoTrump Is "False Light" until He Comes Clean on Hiding the Flat Earth and FE Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV