Massive Military Bases, Physical and Spiritual, Under the Ocean + The Land of Ur, Canaanites, 3 Arches, Above Ground Indicators, Architects, Energy Flow
The We Don't "Earn" Our Way To Heaven With Good Works Mason is Back PART 2 (Check My Description For My View Of History LOL) - A King Street News Series
Meghan Markle and Princess Diana, Why the Similar Look? + Q & A, The Sabbath, Pharisees and Sadducees + The Anti-Christ, Lucifer and the Beast, Mockery of the Lord, Counterfeit Holy Trinity
Jessie and Her Training Partner Hid in a Wardrobe, Saw a Child Taken into a Room and Being Forced to Participate in Sex Magick + Pentagrams, Military Bases and Hangars are Used