Gold | "$10k Gold on the Horizon?" - (May 22nd 2024) + "You Could Make a Case for $5-7K Gold. There Have Been Several Times Where Every Dollar of U.S. Currency Was Backed By $1.40 Worth of Gold." -
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "A System That Relies Entirely On Completely Secret Information About Who Is Owning the Digital Dollar Would Not Be Viable." - Jerome H. Powell (Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve)
Dollar Collapse | Why Is China Stockpiling Gold? Why Are U.S. Banking Giants and New York Fed Running a12-week Digital Dollar Pilot? Why Are BRICS Nations Discussing Introduction Of Single Currency?
Dollar Collapse | "Macron Said De-Dollarizing Might Be the Thing to Do. He Said Trading In Commodities & Other Currencies Might Be the Right Thing for France & Others After Spending 6 Hours w/ Xi. Central Bank Double Down On Gold Buying."
CBDCs | "The Federal Reserve Is Considering a CBDC Digital Dollar. The Implications for Privacy & Freedom Are FRIGHTENING." - Steve Forbes + "CBDCs Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Richard Werner (Professor / CBDC Expert)