5 months agoLIVE 7PM PST - Agenda 21 & 2030. "Their" Plan for "Our" Future - WE DO NOT CONSENT!Kat EspindaVerified
4 months agoLIVE 7PM PST - Squiers & Liars. Judge Tipsy Terry Tanner - REFUSED to RECUSE!Kat EspindaVerified
4 months agoLIVE 7PM PST - The CABAL IS LOSING! God Wins In Case You Were Wondering!Kat EspindaVerified
1 year agoJordan Maxwell Exposes the Illuminati (Imperial Roman Sun Cult) and Its Symbol HIdden in Plain SightLiberty TV
1 year agoDivergent Rays from the Sun Prove the Sun Is Close/Local and Not 93 Million Miles Away in "Space"Liberty TV
10 months agoThe Great Replacement Is No Longer a Theory ! The Whites Are Being Replaced ! | Eva VlaardingerbroekLiberty TV
10 months agoISRAEL-GAZA WAR: Expose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Defeat the NWO Cabal & Stop the Genocide !Liberty TV
6 months agoCREPUSCULAR RAYS = The Sun Is 100% Close ! See Desc. for Close-Up Footage of the Sun among Clouds !Liberty TV
8 months agoEP. 120 - World Wide OUTAGE Affecting Airlines/911 Emergency/Banks/Traffic LightsKat EspindaVerified
7 months agoEP. 128 - CALL TO ACTION - Grand Jury NOTICE - WE NEED GRAND JURIES FOR THE PEOPLE!Kat EspindaVerified
6 months agoEP. 129 - Hostile Corporate Takeover! See CAM FOOTAGE of Kat's Land Heist!Kat EspindaVerified
6 months agoEP. 132 - Christians MUST REPENT for Pushing Aborted Fetus Cells in Covid-19 Bio-WeaponKat EspindaVerified
6 months agoEP. 134 - The POWER is with the People! Interviewing Ron Bouchard - Wethepeople2.usKat EspindaVerified
5 months agoAsst. Police Chief Shawn Taylor Millersville PD EXPOSING CORRUPTION/TRAFFICKING/BANK FRAUDKat EspindaVerified
5 months agoLIVE 7PM ST - TRUMP/VANCE REMOVED in Oregon from Voter Pamphlet - Hang'em HIGH!Kat EspindaVerified
5 months agoLIVE 7PM PST - Trump at McDonalds? COMMS with Trump/Kennedy M.A.H.A. Union & Proofs!Kat EspindaVerified