CBDCs | How Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? The CEO of Quant.Network Gilbert Verdian, Lead World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Noah Harari & The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Agustín Carstens Explain
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Steve Forbes, & Catherine Austin Fitts Explain How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work
The Denver Airport | What Does the Denver Airport Symbolism Mean? + Understanding the Symbolism of St. John the Divine Cathedral, the Bank of America Building In Charlotte, Bohemian Grove and the Georgia Guide Stones
Angela Chao | Why did Mitch McConnell's Sister-In-Law & Chinese Communist Party Member Angela Chao Die from Drowning at a Private Farm in Texas While Driving Her Tesla? Chao Was CEO of Foremost Group, And Bank of China Executive
Kat Espinda founder One New Earth Live 1/3/25 Revealing the Banking Industry, Files $8.3 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Her Bank for Fraudulent Loans #347
Yuval Noah Harari | "No Human Being, No President, Nobody In the Central Bank Understands Finance Anymore Because A.I. Has Made It Too Complicated, Could Lead to Power Shifting from Humans to Algorithms."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Is Tokenization Beginning? "Tokenization Is the Process of Representing Claims Digitally On a Programmable Platform...The Next Logical Step In the Long Evolutionary Arc of Recordkeeping & Asset Transfer." -
CBDCs | "Artificial Intelligence Potentially Can Take Power Away from Us. Increasingly You Apply to the Bank to Get a Loan and the Bank Says No Because the Algorithm Says No." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)