Doctor David Martin | “In 2002, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Patented An Infectious Replication Defective Clone of Coronavirus. Infectious Replication Defective Means a Weapon.” - Dr. Martin
Francis Collins | "I Did Have the Chance to Try to Go On Podcasts With People Who Have the Ear of Evangelical Christians. People Like Rick Warren, People Like Franklin Graham, People Like Tim Keller."
CBDCs | Quantum Supremacy | The World Economic Forum's 2030 Internet of Bodies, 5G, AI, Quant CBDCs, Quantum Dots & Google's Quantum Computer | Google's Refrigerator-Sized Quantum Computer Outperforms the Football Field-Sized Summit Com
Transhumanism | From Transgender to Transhuman "I Believe Our Mind Clones Will Ultimately Be Our Best Friends." - Martine Rothblatt (Transgender & Top Earning CEO in Biopharmaceutical Industry)
G. Edward Griffin | "The Whole World Is Moving In Unison. It's Part of the Plan That Has Been In Place for a Long Time to Reduce the Number of Banks Until Finally There Is Only One." - G. Edward Griffin (Best-Selling Author)
CBDC | "(CBDCs) Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies, It's a Financial Transaction Control Grid. If You Don't Behave You Can Have Your Money Turned Off. CBDCs Are Sort of the Last Shutting of the Gate." - Catherine Austin
The Great Reset | "The Current Vaccines Are Not Infection Blocking, They Are Not Broad So When New Variants Come Up You Lose Protection and They Have Very Short Duration Particularly In the People That Matter." - Bill Gates
CBDC | "We Could Imagine We Will Implant Them In Our Brains Or In Our Skin. There Will Be a Direct Communication Between Our Brain And the Digital World." - Klaus Schwab | "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval N
Human-Animal Chimeras | CRISPR + Gene-Editing | "We May Create Human / Animal Chimeras With Perhaps Human Neurons In Their Brains, What Looks Like An Animal May Well Have Mental Capacities Similar to That of A Human Being." - Katrien Devolder
Fall of the Cabal (Episode 27) | The Ending of Humanity? "COVID Makes Surveillance Under the Skin? - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab Praised by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, etc.)
Dr. Rashid Buttar | Let's Celebrate the Life of U.S. Military Veteran Dr. Buttar & Honoring All U.S. Military Personnel Who Died Serving In the U.S. Military | "3 Pathogens Are Housed With the Hydrogel Within the COVID Shots Being Given.&quo
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "I Felt Like Something Was Sitting On My Chest. Being A Warrior And A Woman Of Faith, I Don't Let Things Just Sit On Me. I Got In My Car And Prayed For Four Hours."