CBDCs | Alex Jones | By Centralizing and Socializing Healthcare, the State Becomes God When It Comes to Your Health. Then By Releasing Diseases, Viruses and Plagues Upon Us, We Then Get Shoved Into Their System
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "We Heard of Clay Clark Through Our CPA (Accountant). Clay Clark Has Helped Us to Create Workflows, Time Blocks, Systems, Quantitative Scorecards for Each Department & Each Position."
CBDC | A Centralized Bank Digital Currency Model, The Real Fear Is That They Get Us There And Then They Ratchet It and The Metaphor We All Talk About Is Boiling the Frog
Yuval Noah Harari | "The New Powers That We Are Gaining Now, the Powers of Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence Are Going to Transform Us Into Gods" + Jonathan Cahn New Gods