1st Thessalonians Chapter 4 | Apostle Paul Wrote 1st Thessalonians While Inspired By God + Where Can We Find Hope During Perilous Times? What Does the Bible Have to Say About The Rapture? What Is the Narrow Path That Leads to Heaven?
Klaus Schwab | "We Are Here to Develop "The Great Narrative," the Story for the Future." - Klaus Schwab meeting with Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, the UAE Minister of Cabinet Affairs on November 12th 2021
ReAwaken America Tour Heads to Tulare, CA (Dec 15-16) "Clay I Think We Are Either Going to the White House or the Big House, It's One or the Other. These Are Life-Changing Events!!!" - Roger Stone | Request Tickets Via Text 918-851-0102
Censorship | "This Week We Launched An Initiative Alongside Companies & Non-Profits...How to Do Tackle Climate Change If People Do Not Believe It Exists?" World Economic Forum Member Jacinda Arden
Seth Keshel & James Tesauro | Former Black Hawk Pilot Turned Election Integrity Expert Shares About Election Integrity Fight In Sheboygan, WI + 60% of Likely Voters Think Cheating Affected Election Outcomes - Rasmussen + Musk, Harari & A.I
Charlie Kirk | Dear, Charlie Kirk- Why Is Elon Musk Advocating for Carbon Taxes, Universal Basic Income, mRNA Shots, Transhumanism & Central Bank Digital Currencies? Who Is Elon Musk? “There Will Come a Time When No Job Is Needed.”
Jane Goodall | "All These Things We Talk About Wouldn't Be a Problem If There Was a Size of Population That There Was 500 Years Ago. "If I Just Had This Magic Power, I Would Like to Reduce the Number of People On the Planet." - Jane Go
China | Epoch Times Update: Why Is China Involved In a "Strategic Partnership" w/ Palestine? | Why Did San Fran Clean Up for Xi Jinjing? Why Did Apple's Cook, Black Rock's Larry Fink & Elon Musk Take Photos w/ China's Xi?
Klaus Schwab | "I Think We Move Not Only from Capitalism to Talentism In Someway, But We Move from Shareholder Capitalism to Stakeholder Capitalism." - Klaus Schwab + "We Have Now A Window of Opportunity to Create This Global Reset."
Senator Markwayne Mullin | "Sir This Is a Time, This Is a Place. You Want to Run Your Mouth We Can Be Two Consenting Adults And We Can Finish It Now." - (Nov 14th 2023 - Mullin Challenges President of the Teamsters union, Sean O'Brien)
Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones | "You Live Among Liberals Now, What Do You Make of Them? What Are They Like?" - Tucker Carlson + "They Live In High-Rises. They Get Food Delivered to Them. They Are Not In Reality. They Don't Have Common Se
Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | "(Trump) Has 60% Against All Other Republicans. He's 15-20 Points Ahead of Biden. I Got 2 Subpoenas Last Week..And I Got Subpoenaed On Trump's Criminal Trial In Georgia..I'm Not Going to Back Down.&quo
GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
Bitcoin | "U.K. Just Passed a Bill for Seizing Illicit Crypto.This Bill Finally Became Law On Thursday After Receiving the King's Approval." - Mark Moss + Problem = Woke Mind Virus Solution = Antivirus for the Brain
Bitcoin | "U.K. Just Passed a Bill for Seizing Illicit Crypto. This Bill Finally Became Law On Thursday After Receiving the King's Approval." - Mark Moss + Problem = Woke Mind Virus Solution = Antivirus for the Brain
Elon Musk | Wernher von Braun | Wernher von Braun Was a Member of the Nazi Party & Allgemeine SS, Wernher von Braun led NASA'S Creation of the Saturn V Rocket That Took Apollo 11 to the Moon | Wernher von Braun Predicted Elon Would Conquer Mars
Transhumanism | The Transhumanism & Agenda 2030 Vision Explained | Black Mirror, Brave New World & Upload with Investigative Journalist Amber May | Is There A Connection Between the Agendas of Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari?