Culture War | SHOCKING Revelations From nearly TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO of What Led to the Government Hijacking of Our Children’s Education | Alex Newman | The Ultimate Sickening Goal | Indoctrinating Our Children to Death
Dr. Peter McCullough | Bird Flu Plandemic Propaganda Exposed | Man Made Virus? | How is Culling and Vaccination Making it Worse? | Food Supply Shortage | How Can We Prepare For it All?
Culture War | TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT PROPHECY by Brandon Biggs on March 14th 2024 FULFILLED - “Flew by His Ear And it Came so Close to His Head” | Dr. Stella Immanuel | BIRD FLU- What YOU Need to Know to be PREPARED
Gold | Is the Dollar on the Verge of a Total Collapse? | Why Now? | Clay Clark | BRICS Nations De-dollarizing and Militarizing at the Same Time | “Your Currency is Only as Strong as the Demand For it”
Culture War | Telling the Truth No Matter the Cost | Kali Fontanilla | Whistleblower and One of THE MOST Shadow Banned on Social Media | “If God is Calling You to Say Something and Speak Up, Listen to Him”| Exodus Institute
Culture War | Homeless to Millionaire to Being Defrauded Out of it All | Jake Nicks | Make America Gospel Again | “If You Are Not CONSUMED With HIM, You Are Not Doing Your Job”
Dr. Stella Immanuel | “If We Are Going to Win This Battle, it is Time For The Church to Get Back to The Order of Sacrifice” | Secret Service Mole? | Spiritual Battle | 40 Day Prayer Program For Election
Culture War | Is Bill Gates Coming For Our Cows Because of Burping? | Guests: Geordan & Nace Roberts | “God’s Going to Use What You Have” | “We Have Less Cattle Now Than We’ve Ever Had”
Culture War | BREAKING- The FIRST JUDICIAL SCORECARD | Guests: Dave Bond and Ryan Haynie | OCPA | State Supreme Court Accountability is Here - Just Say, “NO” on November 5th | How Does The State Supreme Court Become Liberal in a Conservative State?