Yuval Noah Harari | "If You Are Left Behind You Are Facing Something Far Worse, They Won't Event Need You As a Serf or a Slave. If You Build a Digital Dictatorship Based Upon Biometric Sensors and Biometric Data..."
World Economic Forum 2023 Meeting | "Improving Biology and Redesigning Organisms. Diminished Reality Glasses That Will Allow You to Remove Things from Your View Wether That Be Garage or Other People."
Klaus Schwab | "The New Technology Innovation, the Fourth One, Is Changing to a Large Extent Ourselves. If You Look at the Book of Professor Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus You See Brain Advancement. It's Augmenting Ourselves."
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Probably One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens." - Yuval Noah Harari (A Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab Who Is Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates)
CBDCs | "We Are On the Journey (To CBDCS) and the Journey Is Going to Happen." - Lieve Mostrey (The Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear and a member of the World Economic Forum)
LOCKDOWN | Lockdown 2.0 | Neil Ferguson Is Back!!! The Man Who Falsely Made the COVID-19 Models That Predicted 2.2 Million Americans Would Die from COVID-19 Is Back!!! NOTE: The WHO are about to seize health sovereignty from 194 nations.
Great Reset | Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies | Who Is the WHO? | Who Is the REAL Bill Gates? | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." Yuval Noah Harari
Starvation | Why Is Bill Gates Trying to Ban Cows While John Kerry Is Trying to Take the World Back to Pre-Human Carbon Standards? + "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems & Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." Klaus Schwab
Israel Protests | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say? "My Message to Benjamin Netanyahu: Stop Your Coup or We’ll Stop the Country" Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say? "We Will Rebuild the Temple" with Special Guests David & Stacy Whited
Great Reset | "We Got to Do Alot of Epic SH$% When I Was At DARPA. What We Plan to Do Is to Advance A Tattoo That Could Be Used for Authentication. Vitamin Authentication? This Pill Has a Small Chip Inside of It." - Google's Regina Dugan
Bill Gates | Who Is the Real Bill Gates? "We're Taking Things That Are Genetically Modified Organisms & We're Injecting Them Into Little Kids' Arms. We Just Shoot Them Right Into the Vein." - Gates + Is Gates Sun Dimming?
LOCKDOWN | Lockdown 2.0 | Neil Ferguson Is Back!!! The Man Who Falsely Made the COVID-19 Models That Predicted 2.2 Million Americans Would Die from COVID-19 Is Back!!! NOTE: The WHO are about to seize health sovereignty from 194 nations.