Normalization of Slaughter, You're Told What A Good Person Does, What Secrets to Keep, Told That Defectors Deserve Death, What the Approved Narrative Is + Cathartic to Speak Out and Tell the Truth + The Anti-Christ
Marriage Ritual, All Brotherhood Members Put Their Handprints in Blood on the Ritual/Sacrificial Walls to Moloch + Satan's Gleeful Look, Knowing That He Was About to Get Some of Jessie's Blood
The System Tried to Get Jessie To Come Back In + Trust Fund, Heads of the 13 Families, Random People Saying Things, Invitations & the Poem That Jessie's Proctor Wrote + Death Threat
Prayer as a Weapon, Molech Got Stuck in the Floor because the Spiritual Gate was Closed, Couldn't Possess Jessie's Training Partner + Angels, Protectors + Cleanse the Lepers, Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cast Out Demons + Origin of the Gates
Spiritual Sword, Warrior of God Chosen to Fight the System + Training Partner Retrieved His Own Item, Represented Illusions in Magick, Mothers Of Darkness Panicked, Satan Was Not Amused + First Miracle, Unseen