Phil Good: You're Being Spiritually Prepared! (Be Patient, This is Why...) #Shorts | WE in 5D: This Was Precisely the Message in Leo's Recent Reading—A Worthwhile Message for Anyone!
CONFRONTING Anti-Defamation League Director in Davos as He Meets with the World Economic Forum + Antifa are THOROUGHLY AND KNOWINGLY Supporters and Minions of the Illuminati, Praising the W.E.F. with an [Anti-Life Vibration] of VENGEANCE Against Humanity!
Check This Mothah Fuckah Out! | WE in 5D: Spirituality Out the Window—I Would Struggle Not to Mangle This Bitch's Face if He Were Put in My Path‼️ #MyNYisShowing #TOTALLYwillingToPlayThe3DgameFromTimeToTimeWhichiAgreedToAnyway
2024 Predictions, Working with Trump, Republicans Vs. America First, Rumble Platform, Vivek = Obama?, Changing Congress, Dealing With Bullies, What is The Deep State?, and Much More! | Vivek Ramaswamy on The Hodgetwins New "Twins Pod" (2/2/24)
Shadow-Work Through Facing the Wounded Inner-Child..... to Heal it. | Often Thought of as a Dance Act by the Casual Radio Listener, Few Note That Half of Her #1 Hits are Some of the Most Prolific Ballads in Popular Music. Madonna – Oh Father.
Even CNN Reports: Nikki Haley's New Hampshire Numbers are EMBARRASSING Even with Democrats and Independents Voting for Her, and Would Look Even More So if a New Hampshire had Traditional Primary Rules (Where You Only Vote Within Your Party).