CBDCs | How Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? The CEO of Quant.Network Gilbert Verdian, Lead World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Noah Harari & The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Agustín Carstens Explain
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Expiring Money? "The Government Decides That Units of Central Bank Money Can Be Used to Purchase Some Things But Not Over Things That It Deems Like Desirable Like Ammunition..." - Eswar Prasad
Global Digital Passports | "They Weren't Shy to Tell Us What Was Going On (At the WHO Meeting). The Plan Envisioned Is That Every Person Under Earth Will Come Under Dominion & Control of the World Health Organization." - Michele Bachman
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Don't Get the Vaccine? You Can't Go to the Super Market. Don't Have the Vaccine? You Can't Go to Work." - Don Lemon + "Gosh This Looks Like the Mark of the Beast." - Glenn Beck
Banking Crisis | Did Joe Biden Just Nationalize the Banking Industry? Did Obama Nationalize Medicine? Did March Towards Marxism and Digital Dictatorship Just Become a SPRINT!!! With Special Guests Mel K and Doctor Jim Meehan
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The Rest of the World Is Actually Producing the Food, the Gold, The Machinery...The Rest of the World Is Saying Enough Of You Sending Us Your Toilet Paper." - Robert Kiyosaki (April 2023)