Australia’s new “Global Pandemic Centre”, breaking down a newly released document that not only reveals the next 5 pandemics the globalists are planning to unleash.
Tedros: "This week, WHO member states are hosting discussions on amendments to the International Health Regulations. Next week, countries will begin negotiations on a 'Zero Draft' of the new Pandemic Accord."
'Worse Than a War': An Estimated 500,000 Americans Have Lost Their Lives to the C19 Injections "If we use standard under-reporting factors from our vaccine event reporting system.
What makes you think they will treat Civilians any different when the "Government" sicks the military on its own citizens??? -MINDLESS ORDER FOLLOWERS!
QLD Police are addressing the police shortage by hiring 500 overseas recruits each year, for the next five years. The recruits don’t need to be an Australian citizen, or resident. No more police with a conscience, simply U.N. NWO goons.
8-minute speech by a well-known footballer (Matt le Tissier) in front of the BBC, shaming them for their wicked collaboration with our corrupt government in injuring and killing innocent people with their "vaccines".