Great Reset | "AI Is the Fastest Path to Communism." - GRIMES + "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Musk + "I Could Be Someone For a Day, I Would Definitely Want to Be Hitler or Stalin. I Want to Unde
Jesus | When Will Jesus Return? “Let No Man Deceive You By Any Means: For THAT DAY Shall Not Come, Except There Come a Falling Away First, And That Man of Sin Be Revealed, the Son Perdition.” - 2nd Thessalonians 2:3
Transhumanism | Why Did Dennis Say? "What People Will Do All Day Is Not Clear. The Humans Increasingly Can't Compete. We Are Also Becoming CYBORGS. We Put Brain Chips Into About 10,000 People." - Dennis Bushnell (NASA's Chief Scientist