Different Levels of Magick, Chaos Magick and Sigils + The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, (Quantum) Entanglement i.e. Knowledge with an Experiential Component, Sex Magick
E=Elon Musk, Project Looking Glass, Clairvoyance, Connecting to Demonic Spirits, Trained to See Future (and Past), Manipulation of End-Times Events + Different Spiritual Gifts, Art Work, Soul Ties for Magick Purposes
Various High Profile Celebrities in the System. What Do They Actually Have to Do to Get There? + Cisco Wheeler's Total Mind Control Book, Theft of the Birthright Ritual, Use of Stories and Fairy Tales
Spiritual Warfare, Advice, The Devil Wants to Destroy Your Faith + When Occultists Come After John Ramirez he Wants to Offer them a Fair Fight + God Loves a Misfit
Child Trafficking in Africa, Breeding Programs, Witchcraft + Why Do So Many Children Go Missing? What is Happening to Them? + Oprah and Other Celebrities