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1 month agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Ancient Roots Mothering (Episode #29 -- Monday, November 25th, 2024) MADAM Co-Chairs: MRS. J. Rivkah Asoulin (ISRAEL), MRS. Chava Dagan (ISRAEL), MRS. Gilla Weiss (U.S.A.)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Ancient Roots MotheringVerified
2 months agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude) and Amalek (God's Gegenrasse) Research Fellowship (Episode #76 -- November 7th, 2024). ChairMAN: RABBI Chananya Weissman (Jerusalem, ISRAEL). Topic: "Molech and Kofrim With Kippas)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Erev Rav And Amalek Research FellowshipVerified
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1 month agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Science Fellowship (Episode #19 -- Thursday, November 21st, 2024). ChairMAN: DR. Gerald Lawrence Schroeder (Jerusalem, ISRAEL)R&BAssn., Ltd. F.I.M. Science FellowshipVerified
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1 month agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Secret Origins Of Christianity (Episode #20 -- Thursday, November 28th, 2024). Co-ChairMEN: RABBI Avraham Feld (Jerusalem, ISRAEL). MR. Baruch Howard (Tiberias, ISRAEL)LowellJosephGallinVerified
2 months agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Secret Origins Of Christianity Research Fellowship (Episode #19 -- Thursday, October 31st, 2024). Co-ChairMEN: Rabbi Avraham Feld (Jerusalem, ISRAEL). Mr. Baruch Howard (Tiberias, ISRAEL)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Secret Origins of Christianity SeminarVerified
2 months agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Ancient Roots Mothering (Episode #28 -- Sunday, October 27th, 2024). MADAM Co-Chairs: MRS. J. Rivkah Asoulin (Lower Galilee, ISRAEL). MRS. Chava Dagan (Northern Negev, ISRAEL). MRS. Gilla Weiss (Florida, U.S.A.)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Ancient Roots MotheringVerified
2 months agoR&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Noahide Fellowship (Episode #33 -- Tuesday, November 12th, 2024). ChairMAN: RABBI Yehoshua Friedman (Kochav HaShachar, ISRAEL). LECTURER: Asher N. Stein (MPhil.Oxon) (Moshav Matityahu, ISRAEL)R&B Assn., Ltd. F.I.M. Noahide FellowshipVerified