2 years agoTesla fuori controllo in Cina la folle corsa che ha ucciso due persone e ne ha ferite tredenix5kryst
1 year agoAITA for moving out of my dad's house and telling him I won't let him see me graduate?scarletpandanel
1 year agoAITA for admitting to my sister that I was not surprised at all that her daughter disobeyed her?CosmicExchange
1 year agoAITA for letting my bf treat my niece’s burn and not waiting for her mum, who’s a nurse?CosmicExchange
1 year agoAITA for kicking my roommate out and his stuff after finding out he messed with my food?CosmicExchange
1 year agoAITA for telling my mom I don't want to replace my husband the way she replaced my dad?Cosmic Exchange
1 year agoPerú anuncia un despliegue de fuerzas de seguridad tras el ataque a una mina que dejó 9 muertosRT en EspañolVerified
3 years agoHombre con niña en brazos reclama a conductor que invadió ciclorruta en BucaramangaVanguardia