1. Wildnis in der Großstadt: Wiener Gstettn Doku (2009)

    Wildnis in der Großstadt: Wiener Gstettn Doku (2009)

  2. 455. Stunde zur Weltgeschichte - 1761 bis 09.07.1762

    455. Stunde zur Weltgeschichte - 1761 bis 09.07.1762

  3. Episode Three The Wiener Dog Hockey Bros

    Episode Three The Wiener Dog Hockey Bros

  4. Even a wiener dog can enjoy winter GoPro Dog Cam

    Even a wiener dog can enjoy winter GoPro Dog Cam

  5. WIENER DOG MINERS! - Cute Dachshunds Digging for Squeaky Balls!

    WIENER DOG MINERS! - Cute Dachshunds Digging for Squeaky Balls!

  6. I want a wiener dog but here’s a Bull Dog Credit to KLR Productions on YT and Tik Tok 😂

    I want a wiener dog but here’s a Bull Dog Credit to KLR Productions on YT and Tik Tok 😂

  7. PERVERT ALERT Sen. Scott Wiener’s Latest Attempt To Lower The Age Of Consent

    PERVERT ALERT Sen. Scott Wiener’s Latest Attempt To Lower The Age Of Consent

  8. small a dog fights with his refection in mirror

    small a dog fights with his refection in mirror

  9. Boy vs Girl Dogs Wiener Challenge Beagles Louie & Marie

    Boy vs Girl Dogs Wiener Challenge Beagles Louie & Marie

  10. Crusoe and the Magic Lamp - (Cute & Funny Wiener Dog as Aladdin!)

    Crusoe and the Magic Lamp - (Cute & Funny Wiener Dog as Aladdin!)

  11. My Prostate Is Trying To Kill Me Vol 92 / Brian is getting a shot in his wiener

    My Prostate Is Trying To Kill Me Vol 92 / Brian is getting a shot in his wiener

  12. Santa's Wiener Workshop with Crusoe & Oakley the Dachshunds

    Santa's Wiener Workshop with Crusoe & Oakley the Dachshunds