KOKO THE TALKING GORILLA TAUGHT TO SPEAK TO HUMANS USING SIGN LANGUAGE. THE EARTH IS NOT 4.5 BILLION YEARS OLD, THE EARTH IS NO MORE THAN 30,000 YEARS OLD…ESAU EDOM IS A LAIR!!🕎 Revelation 4:11 for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure
1925 JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA & THE 1980 JEWISH ALMANAC: THE BLACK & BLACK LATINO NEGROE IS THE TAIL & NOT THE HEAD, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A JEW & AN ISRAELITE…THE BIRTHRIGHT & COVENANTS!!🕎Romans 9;1-16 “Who are Israelites”
CHRISTIAN EDOMITE “MISSIONARY”, MATTHEW LANE DURHAM MOLESTED BLACK CHILDREN, SENTENCED FOR RAPING ORPHANS.….THE SERPENT & SONS OF THE WICKED!!!(CAIN, ESAU EDOM, AMALEK) 🕎Genesis 4:2-16 “Cain & to his offering he had not respect”
ESAU RELENTLESS HATE TOWARDS JACOB, THAT SAME OLD BIBLICAL ANCIENT HATRED STILL BURING, OUR ADVERSARIES/ENEMIES & OPPRESSORS!!🕎Romans 9;1-27 “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated”
THE PHYSICAL COUNTERPART-DEVIL ON EARTH: THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high” NASA’S SPACE EXPLORATION…..EZEKIEL 28TH & ISAIAH 14TH CHAPTER IS SPEAKING ABOUT (ESAU EDOM,AMALEK)!