11 days agoMar15: Behold, the utterance of Revelation 11, Which the seven thunders have uttered. validation.FaultlineGrace5607
9 days agoMar17: Behold, the night! Who is the 8th? He is Revelation 11. The flood to rise high to The USA!FaultlineGrace5607
4 months agoGrafted In and Setting Israel Aside (Romans 11: 25-36)CrossWay Christian Fellowship Bible Studies
4 months agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “testament” - late 13c., "last will, expressing the final disposition of one's property," Latin testamentum "a last will, publication of a will," “ be witness to”🕎ROMANS 9;1-18 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
4 months agoGiven Over to Lust | Romans 1:20-32 | Athens Bible ChurchAthens Bible Church - Pastor Bill Hixson
4 months agoRomans Chapter 11: God’s Plan for All - Douglas Vandergraph Explores the New TestamentDouglasVandergraph