1. Nephilim/HaGibbororim/Gigantes Returning, The Giant is a ploy for acceptance. Gen 6:4, MT 24:37

    Nephilim/HaGibbororim/Gigantes Returning, The Giant is a ploy for acceptance. Gen 6:4, MT 24:37

  2. Persecuted Christians in Syria Testimony - What it means to be a Christian for Jesus Christ GOD

    Persecuted Christians in Syria Testimony - What it means to be a Christian for Jesus Christ GOD

  3. Laying the Foundation, Part 9, Resurrection of the Body - Derek Prince

    Laying the Foundation, Part 9, Resurrection of the Body - Derek Prince

  4. Awaiting the Promised King, He makes all believers Kings - (I Tim 6:15, Is 9:1-7, Rev 5:10)

    Awaiting the Promised King, He makes all believers Kings - (I Tim 6:15, Is 9:1-7, Rev 5:10)

  5. History channel provides proof of satan, claims he is the good guy and Bible is wrong (deception)

    History channel provides proof of satan, claims he is the good guy and Bible is wrong (deception)

  6. Baal worship and Babylon returning - History repeating (prepare!) (Jer 25:11-12, Rev 18:2-3)

    Baal worship and Babylon returning - History repeating (prepare!) (Jer 25:11-12, Rev 18:2-3)

  7. Psalms Episode 3. It’s All Evil!

    Psalms Episode 3. It’s All Evil!

  8. 2022 Israeli Yuval Harari explains Covid is a legitimation of important steps towards Great reset

    2022 Israeli Yuval Harari explains Covid is a legitimation of important steps towards Great reset
