Petrodollar | BREAKING!!! November 30th 2023 | Petrodollar Slow Death Continues As The (UAE) United Arab Emirates Ditches Dollar In Its Oil Transactions + Saudi Arabia Has Made a Deal to Trade Oil With Chinese Yuan With China
General Flynn | Bobby Kennedy Jr. & Elon Musk’s Twitter Space Interview Highlights "The Chinese Cannot & Do Not Want to Compete with Us Militarily." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (June 5th 2023) + Musk Discusses Neuralink & A.I.
THE GREAT MITCH GLITCH | BREAKING!!! What Just Happened to Mitch McConnell? Mitch McConnell FREEZES MID SPEECH At Senate Press conference, Is Escorted from Podium (July 26th 2023)
De-Dollarization | Does France Want to Join BRICS? Why Does Emmanuel Macron Want the South African President to Invite Him to the 2023 BRICS Summit? Egypt Becomes the Latest Nation to Formally Apply for BRICS Membership.
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Are Mask Mandates & Lockdowns Coming Back? George College Reinstates Mask Mandates & Physical Distancing - Washington Examiner (Aug 22, 2023)
Iran and Hezbollah | Tucker Carlson Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor "We Are Not In Strong Position, We Are Probably At Our Weakest Point In Recent History...We Have No Real Army Anymore." - Colonel Douglas Macgregor (October 24th 2023)