Pole Shift Agendas Differ Between the East and West — Greg Reese Report | WE in 5D: Is This the APOLITICAL Event My Guides Told Me About? (See Description Box or Comments Section)
Bashar—The Influence of the Illuminati. | You are Not Trying to Eradicate the Illuminati (You Think So, But Your Soul Knows Better). SOURCE IS ALL, and Dark Will ALWAYS Exist for the Student-Souls. You’re Working to Ascend Beyond That Hardcore School!
Wayne Asks Abraham: Inspiration, The 17 Second Rule, Positive Affirmations, and How Vibrations Work in Correlation with Law of Attraction! | Abraham Hicks and Dr. Wayne Dyer
RFK Jr. on His Son’s Ayahuasca Journey | While Trump is the Most Centrist (it Just Means Sane) Republican, and Even the Most Centrist President of any Party in a Long Time, RFK Jr. is the Balance Ideal in a Hypothetical Trump/Kennedy Run.
HERE WE GO AGAIN! How will the Light handle this? With an EBS/EAS, or ironically with People of Light having to get Really Dark (Shadow Work—so be it). Now is the time! Two timelines will never be quite the same again.
ASCENSION | Your BEST Understanding of The Matrix—and it’s Relation to the Balancing of Your Masculine/Feminine Energy, and Unhealthy Patterns Caused by the Lack of Balance!