330: SPIRITUAL WAR ARMOR TRAINING PART 5 - This Is Our Joshua Moment To Save America & Ourselves - GOD Chose Us For Such A Time As This...It's Time You Man & Woman Up! JOSHUA 1:5-9
459: ARIZONA ELECTION CRIMES & FRAUD EXPOSED MARATHON - Maricopa County & Scott Jarrett Committed A FELONY When They STOLE The Election - We Show The Receipts! Where Are The Legislators? Officials? Sheriffs?
LARA LOGAN On Diamond & Silk - CHILD SACRIFICE & SEX TRAFFICKING - Their Minds, Body & Souls - If YOU Continue To Do NOTHING, YOU'RE Just As Guilty As Those Who Commit The Crimes!
ARIZONA UPDATE: LD3 Chair Candace Czarny DECEPTIVELY Edits Videos To Hide Her Tyrannical Behavior & Misrepresent The Grassroots - SOUNDS LIKE J6 IN SCOTTSDALE!