Elon Musk | "Where Does Consciousness Arise? Christian Faith You Would Say That There Is a Soul That Inhabits the Body. But We All Started As a Single Cell. So Is That Single Cell Conscious? Where Does Consciousness Arrive?"
De-Dollarization | Global Recession Begins | The Great Reset & Rise of A New World Order - Jim Rickards + BRICS Formally Invites Six New Countries to Join BRICS Including- "Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia
GOLD | DeDollarization | Gold Just Hit Another All-Time High!!! Now, Will the U.S. Dollar Die? "U.S. Debt Rising By $1 Trillion Every 3 Months & U.S. Interest Expense Is Rising By $100 Billion Every 4 MOnths" - Zero Hedge 3/28/24
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić: "Today we are witnessing the burning of billions of doses of covid vaccines around the world because no one wants them. It would have been better if we burned them all immediately and thus saved Lives!