Under the guise of ensuring Australians don’t engage in “dangerous behaviour” online, citizens will be required to submit 100 points of ID to use social media, with police having access to their accounts, including private messaging.
HUMAN ENHANCEMENT - Ethical Reflections on Emerging Nanobio-technologies Report on an Expert Working Group on Converging Technologies for Human Functional Enhancement NanoBio-RAISE EC FP6 Science and Society Co-ordination Action
(GOV CANADA) Global Trends 2040: Director of National Intelligence (gov) GlobalTrends_2040 of the variability of human choices that will be made in the future. ... Machine augmentation of human ... partners, including Canada's Policy Horizons
UK (GOV) Reshaping the Human Condition Exploring Human Enhancement Smart Policy: Cognitive Enhancement in the Public Interest ... nomenon are written while new transhumanist paradigms verge on the horizon. Human enhancement