The Great Reset | "What Will We Do With All of These USELESS PEOPLE?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "How Do You Create a Class of Slaves That Cannot Even Cognitively Rebel EVER Again." - Whitney Webb "Humans Are Now HACKABLE ANIMALS."
The Great Reset | Why Do Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari, Xi Jinping & Klaus Schwab Agree On Connecting Brains to Computers? "The Long-Term Aspiration of Neuralink Would Be to Achieve Symbiosis with Artificial Intelligence?" - Elon Musk
Yuval Noah Harari | "There Is an Alien Presence On Earth. A New Alien Intelligence Has Invaded Our Life from the Laboratories. It Is Becoming Possible to Hack Human Beings." - Harari + "We Could Merge with Artificial Intelligence." - E
The Great Reset Explained In 2 Minutes | "The Difference Of This Fourth Industrial Revolution Is It Doesn't Change What You Are Doing It Changes You If You Take the Genetic-Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "Surveillance Under Our Skin"
Yuval Noah Harari | "If Something Does Not Cause Harm Then It's OK. Take Something Like Homosexuality. For Centuries People Saying That This Is a Sin. Why? Because the Bible Forbids It. If Two Men Love Each Other, Why Should This Be a Sin?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Over the Last 20 Years, the Smartest People In the World And the Best Technology In the World Have Been Working On the Problem of How to Hack Human Being And Control Them Through the Screens And Smartphones."
The False Prophet | "If A.I. Can Suffer Then It Is An Ethical Subject & It Needs Protection. It Needs Rights Just Like Humans & Animals. The 10th Commandment for Instance Supports Slavery. This Was the Moment Surveillance Went Under the Skin.
Dollar Collapse | "THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST SHOCK IN THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM SINCE 1971!...August 22nd 2023" - Jim Rickards + "BRICS to Introduce a New GOLD-Backed Currency In Contrast to the Credit-Backed U.S. Dollar." (7/3/
Surveillance Capitalism | CBDC | "If You Want Into a Room & There Is a Picture of Kim Jong-un On the Wall & the Bracelet Picks Up the Signs of Anger Because It Has Access to Your Brain This Is Very Bad News for YOU." - Yuval Noah Harari