2 years ago♌️ Leo: This person ABANDONED YOU to make themselves feel important; but their confused as HELL!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♐️ Sagittarius: They're in LOVE but they FEEL that they must walk away; they're unclear how U FEEL!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♑️ Capricorn:They're immaturity caused mistrust; now they KNOW you're the one & want to fix things!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♓️ Pisces: Rebuilding burned bridges & establishing boundaries & leveling up with the one you LOVE!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♈️ Aries: You slayed all DRAGONS for the LOVE of your LIFE; GO LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR LOVE!MarveMadameTarot
1 year agoDAILY Psychic tarot reading for Friday November 17, 2023 #tarotreading #psychicreadings #psychicJackie TomlinVerified
1 year agoDAILY Psychic tarot reading for Tuesday November 28, 2023 #tarotreading #tarot #psychicJackie TomlinVerified
2 years ago♍️Virgo:The painful lessons you suffered in 2022 will serve you beautifully in 2023; hope & healing!MarveMadameTarot
1 year agoALL SIGNS (Time stamped) What you need to know in the next 72 hours...October 26, 2023Jackie TomlinVerified
3 years ago- All Zodiac Signs 6th of Feb 2022, Must Knows, What you need to know, Soulmate, Twin Flames,LoveFunny Pets, Holistic Living, Tarot
2 years ago♊️ Gemini: They're jealous, combative & keeps secrets; is this really your TWIN or your SOULMATE?MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♍️ Virgo: They're RUNNING SCARED bcuz the TRUTH HURTS; but this is your TWIN FLAME!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♏️Scorpio: YOU both pulled your ENERGY back & waiting on each other to TAKE ACTION with each other!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♍️ Virgo: They LOVE you; but they're addictions brought the relationship crashing down; you're NUMB!MarveMadameTarot
3 years agoAll Zodiacs 23th-30th Jan 2022- What do you need to know, Must Knows, Soulmate, TwinflamesFunny Pets, Holistic Living, Tarot
2 years ago♈️ Aries: PERIOD-POINT BLANK; They cheated with multiple PPL & didn't put you first in their life!MarveMadameTarot
1 year agoALL SIGNS (Time stamped) What your person is thinking about you....October 9, 2023Jackie TomlinVerified
1 month agoLIBRA ♎︎ "After This, Your Life Will Never Be The Same!" 🐞 Libra Sign ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆SacredKnowledgeTarot