2 months agoBaccarat Livestream - The Road To Rich - 104 units in 59 minutes with 45.3% HR & 732 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoBaccarat Live - 40 units won in 33 minutes with 50.7% hit rate and 21 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoBaccarat Live - 221 units won in 47 minutes with 47.2% hit rate and 833 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoLive Baccarat - 40 units won in 36 minutes with 52.6% hit rate and 38 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoBaccarat Live - 40 units in 70 minutes. 52.3% hit rate. Human error lost 27 units or was I robbed?Crack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoHuman error erases last session. Don't play BEPr b/c you lose half the trends. BEC BER is superior.Crack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoBaccarat Livestream - Do recognizable trends occur more often than not? Or is it all 50-50?Crack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoBaccarat Live - 6 units in 32 minutes with LCSD set to 3 and 43.9% hit rateCrack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoBaccarat Live - Marty - 25 units in 37 minutes with 44.4% hit rateCrack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoLive Baccarat - BEC BER T2s LCSD3 ROG 3L Stop - 20 units in 48 minutes with 52.8% hit rateCrack the Baccarat Code
4 years agoReverse Speech, Anderson Cooper, Trump, To be or NOT to be Hooked to BrainNet, and The TerminatorOur Still Small Voice