1 year agoThe Grid in the Sky: Finally Seeing the Artifical Torus Field above Soul-Trap Planet EarthSergeant Schultz
2 months agoBefore They Were Born: The First Celebration of Jesus | Luke 1:39-41Through the Bible with Vince Miller
1 year agoThe Beginning- Evening Harmony-Our Journey Begins With Christ- Why We Were Created!!Campbellfamily07
1 year agoPre Birth Memories from the Spirit World: "I did not choose to come here" Part 8Sergeant Schultz
3 days agoThe False White Light Ascension: Myths, Lies, and Deception in New-Age LaLa LandSergeant Schultz
3 years agoBible Study 4: How Can God Save Sinners? Jesus Christ's sacrificial death and resurrection saves!KJBIBLE1611
1 year agoSpirit Guides and the Computer Room: Processing the Soul before Birth. "My Guide is a Computer"Sergeant Schultz
4 years agoBaptism of the Holy Ghosts Uplifts the Uncomely - KJV Baptist preaching 1 Corinthians 12 pt 1BaptistTampaBay
2 years agoThe NIV Bible reading: 1 kings 15:1-34 and Luke 1:1-80Journey through the Bible with Scott Lutz