Clay Clark | Clay Clark & General Flynn's ReAwaken America Tour | A TELL ALL Interview with Vanessa Clark (Clay Clark's Wife) & Havana Clark (Vanessa & Clay Clark's Daughter)
Gene Ho | "I Couldn't Believe It. Donald Trump Called Me Back To The Room To Take Pictures Of The Very Important Persons, The Police Officers Who Were Guarding Him That Day."
Mel Gibson | Mel Gibson to Release 4-Part Documentary Exposing $34 Billion Child-Trafficking Industry | "It's a Very Strange Place, Hollyweird. No Matter How Strong You Are, You're Going to Be Affected By This Place (Hollywood)" - Mel
Liz Crokin | "This Act Is Something That Many Critics Believe Opened The Door For A Lot Of The Child Sex Trafficking That Goes On In The Foster Care System. Specifically In CPS... It Gave Financial Incentive To Remove Children From Their Homes."
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "Don't Wait Until You Can't Breathe. Don't Wait Until You Have To Go To The Hospital. If You Take A Dose Of Hydroxychloroquine It's Like A Vitamin Pill"
Patent US6506148B2 | Why Does A Patent for Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors Exist? Patent US6506148B2 | Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors
Mel Gibson | Jim Caviezel & Gibson to Expose $34 Billion Child-Sex Trafficking & Adrenochrome Industry (Airline Industry Is a $22 Billion Industry) | "No Matter How Strong You Are, You Are Going to Be Affected By This Place (Hollywood)"
Michael Yeadon | "We're In the Middle of the Biggest Crime In History, And Will Involve Killing Millions, If Not Billions of People. It is Long Planned." - Michael Yeadon (Scientific Researcher And a Vice President At Pfizer)
Liz Crokin | "In 2016 The NYPD Found Content On That Laptop Connecting Hillary Clinton, And Associates, To Sex Crimes with Children And The Sexual Exploitation Of Children."
The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening | Who Is the Real Enemy? Who Is the Real Bill Gates? Mikki Willis Describes the Divide and Conquer Strategy of Our Enemy.