11 days ago[Paranoi Radio] FLAT EARTH 2.0! w/ David Weiss from DITRH, Trebles & Tank [Feb 1, 2023]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[DITRH] Zen Garcia w David Weiss discuss everything but Flat Earth [Aug 24, 2016]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Jukebox Ginger] Words from the Weiss with Flat Earth David Weiss [Jan 14, 2022]DITRH Interviews
8 months ago[The Nerd Informer] Flat Earth with David Weiss! (full screen) [Jul 26, 2021]DITRH Interviews
11 months agoUpcoming Show! With Special Guest David Weiss - Flat Earth Expert, Premieres April 14th @8PM PST DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[The Scott Hall Show] THE FLAT EARTH EPISODE W/ DAVID WEISS | THE SCOTT HALL SHOW [Feb 22, 2021]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[Bring On The Weird] 115 - Flat Earth Revisited With David Weiss (audio only) [Jan 4, 2021]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[The Other Side of Midnight] 77 Talk Radio WABC - Frank Morano talks Flat Earth with David WeissDITRH Interviews
5 months ago[Dec 7, 2015] TISTL 7: "Bart Sibrel" Patricia Steere & David Weiss [TalkNetwork.com]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[Cheap Heat Productions Podcast] Who is David Weiss ? @Flat Earth Dave Interviews [Nov 30, 2021]DITRH Interviews
6 months ago[Moe Factz] con·verse: David Weiss - Round, Flat or Does It Matter??? [Dec 17, 2021]DITRH Interviews
1 year ago[TheRevolutionNetwork] Dr. Jason Dean - David Weiss of The Flat Earth Podcast - DITRH [Sep 9, 2020]DITRH Interviews
5 months ago[TalkNetwork.com] TISTL 2: "Jeran Campanella" Patricia Steere & David Weiss [Oct 26, 2015]DITRH Interviews
7 months ago[Jason Petrunik] "Flat Earther" David Weiss | The Hokey Hubble Telescope [Sep 2, 2021]DITRH Interviews
9 months agoBilly Watson talks FLAT EARTH with David Weiss (split screen version) [Jun 9, 2021]DITRH Interviews
7 months ago[Patrick Timpone] The Earth Is Flat and Not Spinning around the Sun - David Weiss [Sep 13, 2021]DITRH Interviews