1. Myron Wants Vengeance On Fresh and Fit Cast - Who's More Desirable After Divorce?

    Myron Wants Vengeance On Fresh and Fit Cast - Who's More Desirable After Divorce?

  2. Spiritual Girl Calls Panel Masculine Then Gets Bodied By Fresh and Fit

    Spiritual Girl Calls Panel Masculine Then Gets Bodied By Fresh and Fit

  3. Fan Tries To Hold Fresh and Fit Accountable - "Being Nice To Your Girl Isn't Simping"

    Fan Tries To Hold Fresh and Fit Accountable - "Being Nice To Your Girl Isn't Simping"

  4. Panel Tries To Guess Fresh and Fit Body Count! - Fresh Flees The SCENE

    Panel Tries To Guess Fresh and Fit Body Count! - Fresh Flees The SCENE

  5. Fresh and Fit React: Left Her GOOD MAN - Myron NOT Enjoying Low IQ Panel

    Fresh and Fit React: Left Her GOOD MAN - Myron NOT Enjoying Low IQ Panel

  6. Hater Claims Fresh and Fit Are Promoting Degeneracy! - Wants To Fight Myron

    Hater Claims Fresh and Fit Are Promoting Degeneracy! - Wants To Fight Myron

  7. Fresh and Fit React: Conspiracy On "Brick Lady" Gone Viral - Come Up Off GoFundMe?!

    Fresh and Fit React: Conspiracy On "Brick Lady" Gone Viral - Come Up Off GoFundMe?!
