Klaus Schwab | "We Have to Construct the World of Tomorrow. It's a Systemic Transformation of the World. China Is a Role Model for Many Countries. The Chinese Model Is Certainly a Very Attractive Model for Quite a Number of Countries."
Peter Navarro | Navarro Sentenced to 4 Months In Prison As a Political Prisoner!!! | One of the Chief Architects of the TRUMP Administration's Economy & the Man Who Stood Up to Fauci & China Has Been Sentenced to 4 Months In Prison!!!
General Flynn & Peter Navarro | The Unprecedented Persecution Patriots Increases: Jury Finds Trump Must Pay $83.3 M to Carroll + Navarro Sentenced to 4 months In Prison + UAE & China Conduct 1st Trade Using mBridge CBDC Platform
Trump Taps War Monger, Nikki Haley to Campaign as Biden Sends Troops and Another $5.2bil to Israel: Glad I Never Went in Military but Will Our Kids be Drafted? Is Iran the Line in the Sand for China and Russia? WW3 Seems Inevitable, Markets are Jittery